Caribbean Women

A sojourn of the Scriptures reveals how intimately Bible women were associated with the unfolding purpose of God. With the first woman He made there came the first promise and prophecy of His redemptive plan for mankind. Because God is no respecter of person or sex, He used women to accomplish His beneficent purpose in a world of need. And today, He is still using women –
women throughout the Caribbean – to do ministry in varied and unique ways.

The Caribbean Women’s Discipleship Ministry comprises a diverse group of Christian women who love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, strength, and minds. We are women who will teach you about our husbands, our children, our relatives, and our friends.

Our influence is far and wide! We are a force to be reckoned with. Through ministry to families and the church, the entire Caribbean benefits from the spiritual strength and ministry of the Caribbean women.

Church of God Caribbean Region Women’s Ministries Leadership

The Church of God Caribbean Region Women’s Ministries is comprised of ladies from the English, Spanish, and French speaking Caribbean. The group is a diverse one that is full of anointing. The territories and their National Ladies Presidents that are represented in our ladies group are listed below.

Lady Yanet Encarnacion
ABC Islands
Lady Andrea Smith
Lady Natalie Burke
Lady Winsome Lambe
Lady Celia Cousins
BVI / Anguilla
Lady Beverley Morris
Cayman Islands
Lady Olfa Noemi Tiburcio
Dominican Republic
Lady Tracy Bonaparte
Lady Simone Nurse
Lady Vinette Notice
Lady Caleiz James St. Lucia
Lady Lindalee Hepburn
Leeward Islands 1
Lady Eleanaor Davis
St Vincent & the Grenadines
Lady Camilla Jones
Trinidad and Tobago
Lady Jolanda Gardiner
Turks and Caicos Islands
Lady Shirley Subryan
Leeward Islands 2